Finance Team Leads Head Office Planting UK’s “Northern Forest”
Last Wednesday, as part of the new Group-wide initiative “Eco November”, 18 members of the Leeds head office took part in a local tree planting initiative. The group, led by CFO Gary Thompson and members of the Finance Team, planted saplings of Alder, Hazel, Beech along with Hawthorne and Dog Rose, in north Leeds.
The planted area will, one day, form part of the White Rose Forest, Yorkshire’s part of the Northern Forest which it is hoped will stretch from Liverpool in the West, right across the country to Yorkshire’s East coast.
The feedback was unanimously positive reflecting on the benefits of getting outside with colleagues as a boost for mental health, and the value of being positively active in the local community and supporting important local causes.
A further 25 people from the Leeds office have volunteered for a second day of planting which is scheduled to take place in January 2024.